This is the real-life story of Natasha Sharma, an engineer stepping into the unknown at the 2018 Grace Hopper Conference and how she learned transformative lessons in risk-taking and confidence through PokerDivas. What started as a hesitant ‘yes’ turned into an unforgettable experience that reshaped her approach to negotiation, strategy, and career success. Here’s her inspiring story of courage and growth at the poker table—and beyond.
When I was invited to my first PokerDivas session at the 2018 Grace Hopper Conference—the world’s largest gathering for women and non-binary engineers—I hesitated. The evening was hosted by a big tech company as a recruiting tool to vet out some potential candidates.
I didn’t know anything about poker. It felt like walking into a room full of insiders while I stood on the outside, clueless about the rules of the game. But something nudged me to say yes, and I’m so grateful I did.
Walking into that room was like stepping into a world I didn’t know existed. Poker, a game dominated by men for centuries, was suddenly being played by women who looked like me. The tables weren’t just covered in chips and cards, they were filled with courage, strategy, and sisterhood.
It was so inspiring to walk into that room full of 180 women. My first few rounds were intimidating, I had the least amount of chips and I was the slowest when calling bets. Ellen and the PokerDivas team spent 2 hours teaching me the art of risk-taking, how to artfully hedge my bets, be assertive, disciplining my emotions, folding when the odds weren’t in my favor, and playing smart—even when the cards were stacked against me.
But it wasn’t just the game itself, it was the lessons.
There are many lessons to be learned from the uncertainty, randomness, and risk in the game. Surrendering myself to the probabilistic but random assortment of cards has made me a better thinker and negotiator. I’ve learned so much at the table. Negotiation skills, taking calculated risks, adapting to change, learning from my losses. As an engineer, another male-dominated field, poker strategy has given me the confidence to negotiate a more competitive salary and take the initiative with projects at work. I knew the game had an impact on me when I was offered a position at a mediocre salary level and went back to ask for more. I had never done this in the past but this time it felt right, even though it wasn’t easy. I did it. And then I did it again and again.
I know the skills I learned through poker will continue serving me well wherever I go in my career whether it’s engineering or law. Poker translates powerfully into everyday life, whether it’s professionally or personally.
PokerDivas has created such an open environment for women to come together and learn these skills. It removes that barrier to entry for women who may feel shy or inexperienced in the game. I’m inspired every week as a member of the PokerDivas Virtual PokerClub and watch Ellen and her team impart so much courage to women with just a virtual deck of cards. I envision a more balanced poker table, where women feel more comfortable and braver taking risks and turning the odds in their favor, and so I will continue to support PokerDivas and women who, like me, yearn for a spot at the table.
To anyone who’s ever doubted whether they belong at the table—whether it’s poker, business, or life—I say: take a seat. The game might just change your life. To learn more you can reach out to Natasha here,