Well, I was exploring the internet this past week, and was researching one of my favorite topics, that’s right, poker, when I stumbled across something that made the poker player in me seethe.
It was a site advertising The Gaming Life Expo…but, here’s the corker…it is highlighting “The Men’s Lifestyle”. This Gaming Life Expo runs at the same time as the World Series of Poker. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no man basher, but lets get realistic, the last time I checked, it’s not only men who play poker.
I think that the organizer of this event has made a huge error by alienating the fastest growing demographic in the world of poker. Not only have they alienated us, they are objectifying us as well. The subtitle of the show is…are you ready for this… “Girls, Games and Gear”. The website for this event is splashed with beautiful scantily dressed, women draped over poker tables. Needless to say, I will not be attending.
This little event had me seething for days. The anger lasted just long enough for me to put together this little list as to why women make better poker players than men. Perhaps I should open up a booth at “the men’s lifestlyle” Gaming Life Expo…to extol the virtues of women poker players. Then again, perhaps this little bit of info would be better kept under wraps!!
So, for female eyes only:
Top Six Reasons Women Are Better Poker Players Than Men:
1) No Testosterone to Speak Of: Let’s be realistic ladies, we all know that men are driven by one thing, their testosterone, and this makes them so easy to take advantage of, but we’ve always known this, haven’t we?
2) Awareness of Social Cues: Guys just don’t get it, you have to watch what others are doing. Poker is certainly not all about YOU…so they have a few problems with it.
3) Women Have Better Poker Faces: Always have and always will. The best thing is, men think that they are far better at hiding their emotions.
4) Women Have Patience: We understand that it’s okay to wait for cards. We don’t have to play every hand. And boys, just so you know, when you are playing, we are watching.
5) We Don’t Underestimate Ourselves: At the poker table, men don’t believe that we could possibly know what we are doing.
6) Women Are Just Better: Better at poker, better in business, better at life. There’s really no need to put a finger on it, we’re just better.
The women and man dynamic is never more pronounced than at the poker table. That’s what I like about it. Poker strips us back to our primal roots. It’s testosterone versus estrogen. It’s Adam vs Eve. Why not make a Gaming Life Show about THAT!!!